sábado, 29 de marzo de 2014

7 Fun With Flickr Creating, Publishing, and Using Images Online

Flickr.com, which has become the Web-based digital
photography portal of choice for many educators.

Flickr is free as long as you don't publish more than 1 00 MB of images and more than two 500 MB videos (about 90 seconds each) a month.
You need to register with Flickr in order to publish photos or
take part in discussions.

How can teachers use Flickr in the classroom?

*Teachers could create one login for all of them to share or have them create their own accounts. 
*Adding images to your Flickr folder is easy; just click on the upload link, find tbe image on your computer that you want to publish, and click "Upload." If you like, you can also upload images using an e-mail function that you set up in the "Your
Account" section.
*You can restrict access to what you publish by selecting from three different options:
*Flickr allows for comments and connections to be made around photos, you can tum off discussion on any or all of the photos that you submit.
*Students can create their own personalized collections of photos that they themselves
have taken or found on the Web, complete with annotations and discussion with others.
* Flickr  is useful to connect students and teachers during their summer vacations, posting pictures of their travels.
* It is great resource to use to teach all sorts of other skills and literacies.

Did you know?
Flickr allows you to annotate certain parts of a picture and
also provides a way for people to discuss the picture in detail.

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