lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014

Scholastic for "Top 20 Teacher Blogs"

What is the URL of the blog?          

The Url of the blog is

What is the title of the blog?       

 The tilte of teh blog is JLV The Jose Vilson: Educator, activist, writer,father   

Does the title of the blog provide information about its contentt?      

 Yes, the title  of the blog  provides information about its content becuse the title is the name         of a educator and I think he writes about education.  

What is the name of the person maintaining the blog?

 The name of the person who maintaining teh blog is Jose Luis Vilson.

What subjects does the blog author teach?
 José Luis Vilson is a math educator for a middle school in the Inwood.

What is the main purpose/function/objective of the blog? 
In his collection of multifaceted essays, he provokes discussion on issues of race, gentrification, and the teaching profession from the eyes of a Black-Latino educator with a mix of research and first-hand experience.
he said :"This education book is not to be missed"
How does the blog make the learning experience more effective?

José Luis Vilson writes many essays in which everybody (not only his students) interchange  ideas and learning more about those topics.
I think when people read the learning  is more effective because they are analysing by themselves  and they don't repeat as parrots what others said.   

Is the blog written in a readable manner--free of grammar or spelling issues, etc? 

Yes, the blog is written in a readable manner.

What can learn from this blog to apply to the creation and maintenance of your own blog? 

Well, this blog has many interesting texts  but  I like how the blog organizaed the information, the menu and the cover.
I would like to create a menu most beautiful and a cover more showy. 

What did you learn by exploring the blogs of others and evaluating the quality of blogs? 

I learned that there are many diferent styles of blogs. I think, as a future teacher, blogs are fundamental to teach and interchange ideas. Blogs are excelent tools and if teachers know to use them, traditional class can be more dinamic. 
I can improve my blog because those blogs have excelent images, texts and a beautiful menus.
The teachers use the blogs to show their essays and I like it because we can do the same.

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