miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Chapter 3: Weblogs Get Started!

If we want our students to learn from blogs, we have to experience that learning firsthand or, as Ganley says, "get into their shoes."

*The first step is to take some time to just read some good Weblogs.
*In fact, posting on other people's blogs before you start
your own is a great way to get the feel of publishing your thoughts. Just wait
until that first person responds to something you've written; that's when
you'll truly start to understand the power of the ReadlWrite Web.
*Be a public blogger.
*Put your name on your work.

These types of posts should form the foundation
of your blog work. That's not to say keeping a blog is all work and no
First, get students reading blogs. Prepare a list of Web logs with appropriate
content and look at some of those sites with your students.

Next, you may want to try letting students respond to the posts on your
class blog. The first time I used Web logs with one of my classes.
Having small groups of students actually start creating posts to the same
Weblog is a great way to introduce them to blogging (in the "connective writing"
sense) and to help them understand the process.
Finally, you may want to consider giving each student his or her own
To make publishing to the Web a part of our Acceptable Use Policy that parents had to sign
To communicate to parents what safety precautions you have in place to protect student privacy.
safety also means having in place a way to consistently monitor the activity on
whatever blogs your students are using.
As you read what students write, try to respond by commenting back when appropriate.

You will want to make sure you have adequate tech support on hand to
address any problems that may arise. Depending on what you choose, you or
your support people may need to learn how to maintain the installation, back
up the files on the server, and stay current on the latest updates.


1.Use this link (www.Blogger.com). which is owned by Google to make your blog.
2.You can create as many blogs at Blogger as you want from your one account.
3.The address of your site will be "whatevernameyouchoose.blogspot.com,"
4.you can always create another site by using the"Create a Blog" button on the dashboard that comes up after you login.
5.Just hit the "New Post" button to, well, create a new post to the home·page.
6.to give your post a title, enter in your content.
7.and then choose to either"Save Now" as a draft for editing later or publish it directly to your blog.

Did you know...?
Blogger also makes it easy to add pictures to your post.

martes, 25 de febrero de 2014

Chapter: 2 weblogs, Pedagogy and Practice

Chapter: 2 weblogs, Pedagogy and Practice

What is a weblog?

It is an easily created, easily up able web site that allows an authors to publish instantly to the internet from any internet connection.                                               

Two-thirds of all blogs go for made than two months without being updated.



      Weblogs in schools 

There are four tools that teacher can use in the classroom:

Class portal

 *  To communicate information about the class.
*To achieve course materials.

* To publish the course curriculum, syllabus, class rules, homework, assignments, rubrics and handouts.    


*Students collect the work they might want to consider highlighting in
their portfolio.                        
                                                                              *Include links to videos podcasts, presentation and more.

                 Collaborative space

-It is a space where students can collaborate with others online

                 School Web Site  

Weblogs can be used as a building block for a school web site.
* Clubs and activities.
*  All the sports teams.
* Teachers post weekly “classroom notes.

*Weblogs are truly a constructivist tool for learning because they allow students think and create text, write comments etc.

*Weblogs truly expand the walls of the classroom blogs archive the learning that teachers and students do because teachers and students can express their ideas and also they can comunicate their ideas. Teachers and students are not strange between them and there is a mutual and constant communication.

*The Weblog is a democratic tool that supports different learning styles because  all students could understand easily what they have to do. Students learn easily because they are more interested in how function the new technologies.

*The use of Weblogs can enhance the development of expertise in a
particular subject.

*Blogs can teach students the new literacies they will need to function
in an ever-expanding information society.



lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014

Scholastic for "Top 20 Teacher Blogs"

What is the URL of the blog?          

The Url of the blog is http://thejosevilson.com/

What is the title of the blog?       

 The tilte of teh blog is JLV The Jose Vilson: Educator, activist, writer,father   

Does the title of the blog provide information about its contentt?      

 Yes, the title  of the blog  provides information about its content becuse the title is the name         of a educator and I think he writes about education.  

What is the name of the person maintaining the blog?

 The name of the person who maintaining teh blog is Jose Luis Vilson.

What subjects does the blog author teach?
 José Luis Vilson is a math educator for a middle school in the Inwood.

What is the main purpose/function/objective of the blog? 
In his collection of multifaceted essays, he provokes discussion on issues of race, gentrification, and the teaching profession from the eyes of a Black-Latino educator with a mix of research and first-hand experience.
he said :"This education book is not to be missed"
How does the blog make the learning experience more effective?

José Luis Vilson writes many essays in which everybody (not only his students) interchange  ideas and learning more about those topics.
I think when people read the learning  is more effective because they are analysing by themselves  and they don't repeat as parrots what others said.   

Is the blog written in a readable manner--free of grammar or spelling issues, etc? 

Yes, the blog is written in a readable manner.

What can learn from this blog to apply to the creation and maintenance of your own blog? 

Well, this blog has many interesting texts  but  I like how the blog organizaed the information, the menu and the cover.
I would like to create a menu most beautiful and a cover more showy. 

What did you learn by exploring the blogs of others and evaluating the quality of blogs? 

I learned that there are many diferent styles of blogs. I think, as a future teacher, blogs are fundamental to teach and interchange ideas. Blogs are excelent tools and if teachers know to use them, traditional class can be more dinamic. 
I can improve my blog because those blogs have excelent images, texts and a beautiful menus.
The teachers use the blogs to show their essays and I like it because we can do the same.

domingo, 16 de febrero de 2014

The Read/ Write Web

The Read/ Write is changing our relationship to technology and rewriting the age-old paradigms of how things work.

So, Education has been slow to adapt to these new tools and potentials. In order areas of our lives, however, we can see some of these trnasformations happening right now, right in front of our eyes.

Technology has become "an indispensable tool in the education of today's students ". The survey showed that 81 perent of students in Grades 7-12 have e-mail accounts, 75 percent have at least one instant Menssenger (IM) screen name, and that 97 percent believe strongly that technology use is important in education.


1.Weblogs or blogs are easily created, easily updateable Web sites taht allow an author (or authors) to publish instantly to teh internet from anny internet connection.

2. Wikis. A wiki is a collaborative Web space where anyone can add content and anyone can edit content that has alrady been published.

3.Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a technology that alows educators to subscribe to "feeds" of the content that is created on the internet, whether it's written in a Weblog or in a more traditional space such a a newspaper or magazine.

4.Aggregators.An aggregator collects and organizes the content generated via the RSS feed.

5.Social Bookmarking. Social bookmarking sites like Diigo.com and Delicious.com allow tachers and students to build subject-specific resource lists that they can easily share when using RSS.

6.Online Photo Galleries.It means adding another dimension to what teachers and students can do with digital images in the classroom.



sábado, 15 de febrero de 2014


Hello .. Welcome to my blog !!

My name is Patricia Meza. I'm studying Modern Language in the San Buenavetura University and this semester I  have a course called Multimedia and Didactics. So, My  personal goals for the Multimedia and Didactics Course are:

  • To learn more about didactics and how to implement them in the classroom.
  • To learn more about new technologies applied to teaching.
  • To change the traditional model of teaching and better it using what we learn in this class.
  • To improve the use of technology.
  • To recognize the importance and necessity of the use of technology for teaching foreign languages.